All is quiet on New Year's Day?
It's a new year! And I meant to give the site a new look, but i am a procrastinator. So, maybe i'll do that tomorrow. This has been a crazy week. I have been feverishly scribbling in the notebook that is becoming my book. I can't seem to put down the pen. I anxiously await the day it is printed and bound. That will be an amazing feeling.
Michelle and i had a house guest for the week. Our friend Jessica came to visit her boyfriend, Chris. She needed a place to crash and we were more than willing to help her out. They are both such amazing people and are perfect for each other. We had a lot of fun times, like a snowball fight inside michelle's car, fun at Starbucks, and me spearing chris into the snow.

anyway, Jessica left today, and there were sad times had by all. She is going to go to college in Cincy, so we will see her soon.
In the middle of all that, michelle and i drove up to wauseon, ohio to see her sister. Michelle's parents flew in from texas for the week, so we exchanged gifts. I got some cash, so i am going out to buy, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." It is an amazing book. By the way, if any of you have read it, there is an online test to tell you which character you are most like. Well, I am like patrick.
We had 3rd Place tonight and had a lot of cool things happen. Stories were shared. New year's resolutions were broken, and some secret surprises were told. (but i can't be specific yet)
We missed Doug tonight, he had spent the week in Boca. But is now at Passion '05 in Nashville. It really stinks to be that guy. We also missed a few others. but those of us that were here, had a great time.
by the way, i formally announced my book in progress to my friends at 3rd Place tonight. they are very supportive of it. Well that is all for the update for now. I will try to get on more often this year. thanks for reading. |
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