Some thoughts from Brian McLaren
I came across this on SoulGardener's website. Being a fan of McLaren, I thought I would pass it along to my readers as well.

“The greatest cathedrals were built just before they ran empty”
“It will serve the church if we spend the next 15-20 years asking the question ‘what is the gospel?’
“Your theology is perfectly designed for the results you’re now experiencing”
A faithful translation of Matthew 6:33 would read “Seek God’s kingdom and his justice”
“The next Martin Luther can’t be white!”
“Vision is overrated and anxiety underrated”
“You never have something unless you contemplate it”
“These days Christians care more about being saved than being good”
“You become part of the Christ community for the good of the world”
I found two files with Brian Mclaren notes on the internet here and here (if you download and use them remember to credit Brian)
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